5 Top Tips for Heating Your Home

  • LivGreen
Having an efficient heating system running on a low-carbon fuel is one of the most important secrets you can take to reduce your bills and your carbon dioxide emissions. In a typical household over half of the bills are spent on heating and hot water.  So if we are to reach the net zero target set out by the government, we need to reduce emissions from heating our homes by 95% over the next 30 years. To bring some perspective onto this, the average house emits 2,745kg of CO2 from heating in 2017. By 2050 this needs to be reduced to just 138kg per household, as you can see this is a significant decrease and below are a few tips for moving towards the net zero goal.

1. Draught-Proof Windows & Doors
You will lose a lot of heat through draughts around doors and windows, gaps around the floor, or through the chimney. Professional draught-proofing of windows, doors and blocking cracks in floors and skirting boards can cost around £300, but can save around £30 a year on energy bills
2. Turn Off Lights
Turn your lights off when you’re not using them or when you leave a room. This will save you around £14 a year on your annual energy bills. Also replacing all the lights in your home with LED bulbs is another money saving tip.
3. Cautious With Your Washing
You can save around £20 a year by using your washing machine more carefully, firstly by washing your clothing on a 30-degree cycle and secondly by only putting on a wash when you have a full load.
4. Swap Your Bath For A Shower
Some like a relaxing soak, but swapping just one bath a day for a 4-minute shower can save you £364 a year on your energy bill.
5. Top Up The Insulation
Effective insulation of your hot water cylinder is very important, you can benefit from increasing insulation by 80mm thick, saving you £20 a year in the process.
More Tips on the links below:
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